Kinship Through The Blood of Christ

I have eight children, twenty-eight grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. The process of adoption helped us claim two of our children with our own biology adding two more. The next four came through the marriages of said children.  We quickly became Grandma and Grandpa to twenty-one grandchildren within a space of two decades. Two of those grandchildren are adopted and then four were added recently through the second marriage of one of our sons. We also claim the spouses of three married grandchildren and a year ago we became great grandparents to a darling little girl. Does all that make your head spin? It does mine, especially when we all get together. The little ones range in age from a one-year-old to a twenty-six-year-old and the personalities are varied, to say the least. You know what else, it’s easy to love them all.

Roger and Roseann, Kenzie, Sheyla
Bradley, Hannah, Jake and Loren, Dawson, Russ and Stacy, Brinley, Hayden and Emily, Riley

Someone asked me once if my affection for my biological children was greater somehow than towards those whom we adopted. I thought about it for a bit and decided that for me, love can’t be controlled or directed. When our first child was placed in my arms, my heart embraced him and I couldn’t imagine loving anything more than I loved him. It seemed natural to give my heart to him and pledge my allegiance to his care and safety. Our second son was placed with us three years later and because I felt so completely in love with his older brother, I told myself that I needed to show equal love to this dark-headed bundle in my arms. It wasn’t hard at all. His sweet nature and beautiful dark eyes studied mine. Our hearts entwined, love flourished and life was wonderous.