Aerobics For The Ages

                  Yeah, we did it!

I’ve been going to an aerobics class taught at my local community center especially for senior citizens. The first time I went to this class, I peeked in the doorway and saw several rows of folding chairs. At each chair were a brightly colored ball, a pair of hand weights and a colored band secured with handles on each end. I felt disappointment assuming this meant low-impact sitting exercises geared for those not able to manage strenuous movement.  I determined that I’d complete the class and continue my search for something more challenging. I learned very quickly that though this class was labeled “Silver Sneakers Workout,” the 45-minute class was not confined to sitting exercises. The majority of class time was spent in constant upright motion. The class meets Monday through Friday and has four rotating instructors. Each has her own method of instruction and varies the routines to challenge every part of the body. Even the exercises involving sitting are not only challenging, but invigorating. Time goes by rapidly and the attendees offer encouragement and support to one another.