Pain In Life Is Inevitable; Finding Purpose Is A Choice

Davis Family 2010

Not so many years ago, I marveled that my life and the lives of my family seemed relatively carefree. Our children were all in good places with their own lives, in stable relationships, healthy and happily pursuing their dreams. My husband and I had retired and set off to fulfill one of our dreams of being missionaries for our church in a foreign land. Thankfully, we had the means to do that, and our health allowed us to have that choice. I thanked my Father in Heaven often and as a matter of course, asked Him for blessings, of which I am in need.  My eternal companion often expressed his love for me, and he honored our vows. Our children showed their love and respect for us as their parents. Our grandchildren showed obvious adoration towards us, and we had an adequate income, a nice home, and many friends. I don’t know what blessings I expected the Lord to give me beyond all this, but I had learned to pray with that phrase being a vital part. That learned order also mandated that I first thank God for all my blessings, which I obligatorily did.


My life is so different these days. Our children have experienced many challenges, and as my husband and I age, we experience health challenges which put strains on our budget. The most difficult thing, however, is the loss of our daughter to cancer.