The Most Influential Person In My Life

My sister recently asked me to write something about how I’ve managed to have what she sees as an interesting and successful life. I gave it some thought and found the answer in a paper I wrote almost 30 years ago for an English class I took in an adult education setting. I have to say that by no means do I see myself through my sister’s eyes. I see myself most often as rather flaky because I am a dabbler. I worked as a secretary for nearly my whole adult life, but not at the same place. I am easily bored and often changed jobs to get a new perspective. I enjoy talking with interesting people about varied subjects. I became acquainted once with a lady who owned our town’s only radio station and ended up working for her part-time as a newscaster and recording commercials. I rubbed shoulders with some amazing journalists representing some of the bigger establishments at various events I attended. I could go on and list other examples of my eclectic life, but the point my sister wanted me to make is how I’ve managed to collect such a wide variety of experiences, aside from the fact that I’m old and naturally have collected experiences. The paper I referred to above was in answer to an assignment to write about the most influential person in my life. I’ve done some editing of that paper, but the message has not changed. I entitled my paper, “First Sight,” and think it answers my sister’s question quite nicely.