Meet the Author

I am Donna B. Davis, and I have taken the pen name of DeeBee Daws for my debut novel, Brooks. I have previously published two books based on my own life and that of my mother, Hazel. My husband and I live in Southern Utah and have been married for almost sixty-one years. We have raised four wonderful children who, collectively with their spouses, have blessed us with twenty-one grandchildren. We were promoted to the rank of great-grandparents for the first time several years ago and now claim five little tykes in our growing family.

This is an interview I did with Brad Neufeld on his podcast about being resilient. He does a morning kickstart program Monday through Friday entitled “A Powerful Way to Start Your Day.” I felt honored when asked to be a guest. Brad’s show is dedicated to bringing you the information you need to overcome challenges in life. His guests demonstrate resilience and the power of positive thinking. Here is a link to his YouTube Channel, where you can benefit from other podcast interviews he has done.

Sixty-One Years and Counting of Mostly Wedded Bliss

I’m a small-town girl.
This family picture is fifteen years old – We’ve gained several since then and sadly lost a couple.