Author: Donna

  • Living Welderly With Positivity

  • What is the Nicest Thing Anyone Has Done For You?

    MY MOTHER GIVING BIRTH TO ME  I have a friend who is a well-educated, unassuming person who had a successful dentistry career and worked at least 30 years before retiring. I expected a response to this question with something more profound than these six words. At first, I was surprised,…

  • Welderly Job Hunting

    I have a new job. It’s pretty basic, nothing of any consequence, something many people could do. Why is this important to me? Why am I putting myself through the effort of qualifying for a job? Why do I want to put myself out there like this? I’ve tried this…

  • Experiences and Mistakes

    You know, I love to do new things. When I think back on the seven decades of my life, I recognize a wanderlust that showed itself in multiple aspects of my life. Some of that attitude has admittedly been detrimental, but altogether I think my perspective of always looking for…

  • I’m A Dinosaur

    The world is changing, and I’m not so sure I like where it’s going, or it is now. I don’t belong here anymore. I don’t understand why people are mean or why we’re losing hope and purpose. Maybe everyone doesn’t feel like I do, but I’ll be selfish for a…

  • Black Lives Matter – All Lives Matter – Life Matters

    There is much rhetoric these days about the validity of life, and it seems to hinge on ethnicity. I see posts on social media, watch never-ending protests covered by newscasts, and hear the voices all wanting to pledge their support of one race over the other. The political tumult only…

  • COVID 19 Is A Mortal Concern – Personal Revelation Is An Eternal Concern

    Today is March 29, 2020. It is a National Day of Prayer and Fasting to win the war against COVID 19, a global pandemic.  We are participating in that action and the cost of those missed meals, we will contribute to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Subsequently,…

  • Happiness and Joy – Are They One and the Same?

    I had an interesting experience this past Sunday and decided to share it with my philosophical view. I went to a Relief Society class in a different ward than my own. The lesson was taken from a talk by President Eyring and focused on the Plan of Salvation, often referred…

  • RIP My Fur Babies

    My first fur baby bore the name of Snooks. I don’t know what kind of dog she was. Back in those days as a five-year-old, a dog was a dog and my dog was little and white with curly hair. She followed me around and made me laugh with the…

  • Close Mindedness vs. Open Mindedness

    I read something recently asking the question, “How open-minded are you?” The article was short and well done and by the end of it, I reconsidered the opening question in a more personal nature. I’ve identified several instances where I took a close-minded stance. In an effort of self-improvement, I…