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Roger Davis

Going Home to LakePoint Days

Lake Point Days 2019 conjured memories for me, a former Lake Point kid. This little farming area located in Tooele County Utah celebrated 165 years with the celebration. Pioneers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who settled in the Tooele Valley were organized on April 24, 1850 into a branch of the Church by Ezra T. Benson. By mid-1854, E.T. City had been established in the area and then renamed Lake Point in 1923.

Broadhead Family Home – LakePoint
Broadhead Family – 1958

No, I didn’t live there way back then. My family moved to Lake Point in the Spring of 1957 when I was almost 14 years old. As a typical teenage girl, it was the worst day of my life. I had to leave all my friends, my school, and my comfort zone to move to a place where there might be a hundred families. It seemed like the whole town consisted of cousins, except to us of course. I was miserable and determined not to like it, no matter what.

I lived in that community for another six years and I learned to tolerate and even enjoy my associations. In July 1963, I moved about 15 miles south to live with my new husband in the  metropolis known as Tooele, Utah, population 9,000.  I’ve lived a lot of places in the ensuing 56 years, but this day I returned to enjoy the yearly celebration of what I consider my hometown, now numbering close to 2000 people.  These days it has some of the nicest, most spacious homes in Tooele County.