
Black Lives Matter – All Lives Matter – Life Matters

There is much rhetoric these days about the validity of life, and it seems to hinge on ethnicity. I see posts on social media, watch never-ending protests covered by newscasts, and hear the voices all wanting to pledge their support of one race over the other. The political tumult only adds to the fray of constant name-calling. What I haven’t figured out yet is how any of this back and forth bitterness can result in positive changes for all. It would seem that the BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement is wanting compensation in one form or another for injustices that happened many years ago. The real victims are no longer alive. Neither are their persecutors.

Another group proclaims All Lives Matter (ALM) and sympathize with the BLM movement. This platform states that the injustices suffered can never be fully repented of this late in the game, at least not to the total satisfaction of all those complaints. With a rather self-righteous attitude, they want to hit the reset button and get along.

I must admit I more or less agree with the latter. However, I have another viewpoint for your consideration. I think it could solve the entire problem, and I call it LIFE (Life Is For Everyone).
I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I invite you to hear me out because what I say here does espouse a religious viewpoint. Whether you want to embrace that philosophy is, of course, up to you. In my mind, it makes total sense fundamentally, and would certainly make our world all the easier in which to live. The church mentioned earlier has taught me, and missionaries continue to testify that we all lived in Heaven a long time ago as spirits in an existence that included Heavenly parents. In that existence, we, as a group, heard a plan whereby we would be born into a telestial sphere we would know as earth and house earthly tabernacles called bodies. During this existence, we would have experiences and learn from those experiences vital lessons benefiting us eternally. At some point, our spirits would leave that body of flesh and bones and blood and return to its heavenly home, hopefully, better prepared to deal with the eternal nature of our souls. Every person born on this earth chose to support that plan. Those not supporting the proposal presented followed the lead of a darker spirit, one called Lucifer. No one in that group will ever enjoy the benefits of earth life. The influence of those wicked spirits impacts us in ways not conducive to the peaceful and blessed attitude we all long to enjoy in our everyday lives.

My point is that what matters on this earth, in this existence, to every person living in mortality is LIFE, and life is for everyone. I wish all understood his or her eternal nature; that being that we are all brothers and sisters and that none of us is any more important than another? The effect of this change in attitude would make a significant impact in how we spoke to one another, how we treated one another, how we looked at one another, how we solved our differences. This earth life is essential; life is critical. We all need this experience, and we all could do a better job of making this time on earth a beneficial learning experience. We all could do a better job of helping one another. We could become less critical, and we could be more helpful, we could be less self-serving, we could be more understanding, we could feel love and recognize love from others.

Maybe I’m describing a Utopia. I find myself increasingly tired of putting up with a” us and them mentality.” I’m weary of seeing people being hateful and impatient, and I recognize that mentality on both sides. I find myself wanting to limit my being to the safety and security of my own four walls. More and more, I want to stick my head in the sand and live in my dream world of calm. I’m entertained with my crochet projects and tried and true feel-good movies. I enjoy reality shows where people test their physical endurance, and we celebrate a contestant’s achievements. I love the TED talks where people review life lessons, making them more secure in themselves. I spend time in my backyard pool just lazing and daydreaming. I find great comfort in the scriptures.

LIFE is for everyone, and I believe that attitude could change the world. I’m confident that our Savior, Jesus Christ, will return to reign, and He will deal lovingly with all of us dispensing justice as well as mercy.

I’m thankful to be a citizen of this world and sincerely appreciate my life in these United States of America. I enjoy a beautiful family and have good health. I choose to have a positive frame of reference and pledge to see the good in others. I testify that LIFE is what matters my fellow brothers and sisters.

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