Category: Faith

  • What is the Nicest Thing Anyone Has Done For You?

    MY MOTHER GIVING BIRTH TO ME  I have a friend who is a well-educated, unassuming person who had a successful dentistry career and worked at least 30 years before retiring. I expected a response to this question with something more profound than these six words. At first, I was surprised,…

  • Black Lives Matter – All Lives Matter – Life Matters

    There is much rhetoric these days about the validity of life, and it seems to hinge on ethnicity. I see posts on social media, watch never-ending protests covered by newscasts, and hear the voices all wanting to pledge their support of one race over the other. The political tumult only…

  • Happiness and Joy – Are They One and the Same?

    I had an interesting experience this past Sunday and decided to share it with my philosophical view. I went to a Relief Society class in a different ward than my own. The lesson was taken from a talk by President Eyring and focused on the Plan of Salvation, often referred…

  • Pain In Life Is Inevitable; Finding Purpose Is A Choice

    Not so many years ago, I marveled that my life and the lives of my family seemed relatively carefree. Our children were all in good places with their own lives, in stable relationships, healthy and happily pursuing their dreams. My husband and I had retired and set off to fulfill…

  • What and Where Is Love?

    Life is wonderful or at least it should be. I believe we are on this earth as part of a grand plan with a purpose to gain experience and to enjoy all of God’s creations. I also believe it goes beyond that. I don’t know that there’s much we can…