How Will I Know When I’m Elderly
Time marches on I’ve heard said and it shows vividly in these two pictures taken several years apart. On the left, see the dark-headed baby in my husband’s arms. On the right, that infant is the cutie standing in front on the far left side. She is a freshman in high school as of this writing. It seems like only yesterday these little ones were clamoring all over us. Now, our oldest grandchild is married and going to college. He’s full of idealism and determined to be an orthopedic surgeon.
George Bernard Shaw said, “The most precious thing in the world is youth. Too bad it is wasted on children,” while Robert Louis Stevenson said, “If youth only knew and if old age only could.” “Age is just a number,” I hear people say. I’d prefer to have those numbers on the bottom half of the half-decade mark. I don’t want to be 21 again. Well, maybe I do, but ideally, I’d want to retain everything I’ve learned since those years and avoid the stupid mistakes I made.
Oh my gosh, what good does it do to spend valuable time looking backward? I’m here to figure out a way to feel good about where I am now. I thought there might be others out there who would like to take this journey with me. Collectively, we ought to be able to come up with some great ideas to fully enjoy the fall and winter years of life.
Living Welderly, Aging with Purpose – Changing by Design is my way of exploring the natural process of aging and enjoying it, not merely enduring it. I aim to keep my mind and body active by conversing with thought-provoking people who will both enlighten and stimulate me. As every day goes by, I hope to identify what I’ve learned and what I want to do with that insight. I also want to understand better the changes occurring in my aging human body so I can be proactive in living with those changes.
I want to use this blog to help those who, like me, believe we are in the best years of our lives. Let’s not waste them with thoughts of what we can’t do anymore. Let’s find things we can enjoy and experience life on our terms. Let’s use the experiences we’ve garnered to bless the lives of those around us. Let’s you and I share where those joys are and revel in our freedom to explore this big beautiful world unencumbered with the responsibilities of prior years.
Are you ready? Let’s do it!