Blog Posts


Welderly Job Hunting

I have a new job. It’s pretty basic, nothing of any consequence, something many people could do. Why is this important to me? Why am I putting myself through the effort of qualifying for a job? Why do I want to put myself out there like this? I’ve tried this a couple of times before…


Experiences and Mistakes

You know, I love to do new things. When I think back on the seven decades of my life, I recognize a wanderlust that showed itself in multiple aspects of my life. Some of that attitude has admittedly been detrimental, but altogether I think my perspective of always looking for something else has been satisfying….


COVID 19 Is A Mortal Concern – Personal Revelation Is An Eternal Concern

Today is March 29, 2020. It is a National Day of Prayer and Fasting to win the war against COVID 19, a global pandemic.  We are participating in that action and the cost of those missed meals, we will contribute to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Subsequently, that money will aid in…